Case Study: Montour School District
Interview with the STEM teacher at the Montour School District.
Fast Facts
Organization: Montour School District
Type: public school district
Programs: Middle school program
Age range: 12-14
Instruction time: over 3 weeks
Instructors: Science Teacher
AI-in-a-Box™ used: 6
The Montour School District is a mid-sized, suburban public school district. It serves nearly 2,900 K-12 students and one-third of them are considered economically disadvantaged, according to Pennsylvania Department of Education data.
The Montour School District deployed an AI program in its David E. Williams Middle School, accompanying the establishment of a 3,000 square-foot “AI lab”. ReadyAI equipped the lab with 5 of the AI-in-a-Box™ this fall. The school will start an AI curriculum that covers all the students in the school, ReadyAI’s program will take up about 3 weeks of the instruction. Apart from AI-in-a-Box™, the program also has elements of data literacy and human-AI interaction.
The Montour School District is planning on running a regional competition of the World Artificial Intelligence Competition for Youth (WAICY) in the spring of 2019.